The gear reparations program is one through which we engage in the work of reparations by funneling musical gear from donors directly to Black and Indigenous community members. This program is open to any Black and Indigenous folks living in the Bay Area, but will prioritize youth, people living in Oakland, and those whose genders are marginalized: women, trans and gender-expansive folks. Requests will be fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis, and are reliant on the offers for donation we are receiving. Email grace@bayareagirlsrockcamp.org with any questions or to make a donation!

BAGRC often receives offers for gear donations to support our youth programs that we don’t need--we’d like to start accepting any and all donations and redistribute those that are not necessary for our programming to Black and Indigenous community members. Many of the music genres we know and love were created by and popularized by the innovation of Black and Indigenous musicians throughout history. We also acknowledge that we are on the traditional land of the Ohlone people. BAGRC would like to extend our resources and services to honor and celebrate the work of those who have shaped our community and the history of the space that we work in. We are excited to contribute to larger movements that seek autonomy and resources for Black and Indigenous folks.